reased competition with other substrates such as b catenin, potentially alters how efficiently the substrate is recognized and hence affects the dynamics. Alterna tively differential expression of the two bTrCP Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries isoforms bTrCP1 and bTrCP2 may in part account for the altered response in microglia, as studies using genetic knockouts of bTrCP1 found that TNFa induced I Ba degradation was impaired but not prohibited. Others have posited that the unstable bTrCP2 isoform Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries may be stabilized by increased levels of phosphorylated substrate, allowing the possibility that microglia express bTrCP2 in excess of bTrCP1 and thereby have altered ubiquitination dynamics. Besides potentially less efficient recognition of I Ba by bTrCP, another possibility is that the normally rapid polyubiquitination of I Ba occurs less efficiently in microglia due to smaller quantities of Nedd8 ylated Cul 1 in the SCF complex.
Conjugation of only a small frac tion of Cul 1 with Nedd8 greatly increases the efficiency of ubiquitination of I Ba without affecting the associa tion between bTrCP and phosphorylated I Ba due to facilitated recruitment of Ub linked E2 to the E3 complex. It follows then that different levels of Nedd8 or the Nedd8 conjugating enzyme, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Ubc12, could likely contribute to delayed ubiquitination in microglia. Although we cannot decisively point to a particular mechanism as the source of the additional dynamics needed to match the data in microglia, there are many plausible mechanisms which may warrant further study in the future.
The new model structure indicates a more Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries prominent role of the ubiquitin proteasome system in regulating NF B activation dynamics, which merits consideration of what are its functional implications on how microglia respond to inflammatory stimuli. Analyses of the model show that the ubiquitin related parameters have large effects on the initial activation of NF B and a relatively smaller role in regulating later dynamics. Para meter scans validate this, as large changes in these para meters change the timing of the first peak by as much as 15 min and alter the amplitude and timing of the later response somewhat. This suggests that altered ubiquitination signal ing may be important to regulating the timing of the initial response, but how this affects gene expression and cellular function is not clear at present.
Substantial modifications to the upstream signaling pathway are required to fit the new model to the micro glial IKK activation data. The TNFa induced IKK activa tion and inactivation reaction Anacetrapib kinetics are changed from first order linear mass action rates to nonlinear Hill equations in the new model. We note that the new model differs from in that it includes mechanisms of A20 feedback that more closely reflect the known biology, but these mechanisms have also been modeled in inhibitor Cisplatin previous studies. The nonlinear reaction rates are essentially black box descriptions of a complex upstream signaling network but allow the model to fit the m