Sun has put forward the method of image reconstruction using some

Sun has put forward the method of image reconstruction using some reasonable prior information to regularize the atmosphere turbulence degradation model (point spread function). She estimated the PSF values with the ARTUR algorithm [3]. A blind correction method based on the match of feature points was proposed, which is related to the problems of degraded images caused by aero-optics effects. But the local area correction was almost non-uniform [4]. When the adaptive optics wavefront correction method is used, a deformable mirror must correct its own deformation before it could correct other one [5].In this paper, a complex method is described to correct the wavefront aberration combining DMD based on MOEMS with PDS principle [6]. DMD can be used as the spatial light modulator to construct a digital holographic display system [7],[8].

At the same time, DMD has a wide applicability in optical information processing and structured illumination three-dimensional sensing [9]~[14]. In the imaging processing field, PDS is a novel method. This approach blends the strengths of speckle-imaging and phase-diversity concepts. Compared with other methods such as pure digital image processing (Wiener filtering de-noising, wavelet de-noise, etc.) and opto-electronic processing methods (such as wavefront detectation in AO, speckle imaging, etc.) PDS has the following advantages: first, the optical hardware is compact. Second, the method is less susceptible to systematic errors introduced by optical hardware. Third, this approach also fits well for extended objects.

It can be forecasted that PDS has better prospects in application to reduce aberration and distortion caused by the atmosphere turbulence and miscellaneous random factor [15,16]. Finally, through experiments Dacomitinib with DMD and PDS, the modulation transfer function (MTF) and point spread function (PSF) results show that the quality of the restored images was obviously improved.2.?Correction Principle and Method2.1. First step: adaptive optical correction using DMDThe AO system is a closed-loop system, which controls the optical wavefront in real time, (see Figure 1) [17,18]. DMD can provide high resolution images with a wide field of view. It can enhance the system by monitoring actuator in closed loop control and automatically adjusting the output based on the feedback data.

The core of a DMD is an array of aluminum mirrors that reflect the light. Such a micro mirror array is composed of thousands of mirrors with an edge length of about 13 ��m mounted on small hinges atop a CMOS device. The individually mirrors can be tilted between two positions. This DMD has 1,024��768 cells and be controlled by SLM and DLP. The cell sensor actuator is analyzed and optimized with ANSYS software like in Figure 2.

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