1995) Study: Survey data, American http://www.selleckchem.com/products/byl719.html Psychiatric association (APA)’s Professional Activities Survey Date: 1988–1989 Time span: One year Indication (main): depression Gender: No information Age: Not reported, except proportion of residents >60 years stated not significantly related to utilization
rate Other: 6% of psychiatrists administered ECT to at least one patient during the last month Large variability. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical ECT use higher in middle and upper classes TPR: 0.4–81.2 TPR Nationwide: 4.9 No information USA (L) Prudic J (Prudic et al. 2001) Study: Postal questionnaire survey in tri-state New York City metropolitan region Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to all Directors of Psychiatric Services with inpatient mental health beds. N= 156 facilities N= 86 of 156 (55%) provided ECT N= 59 of 86 responded (response rate 69%). Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical No. of patients annually receiving ECT: Range 1–288 No. of patients ECT treated per year census reported by facilities: <15 patients by 21 facilities
>100 patients by nine facilities Date:1997 Time span: One year Indication (main): >85% medication resistant depression (major depression) then mania and schizophrenia next most common Gender: No information Age, year groups: 45%, 18–60 55%, >60 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (0%, <13) Side effects: 46% post ECT cognitive impairment and cognitive evaluation usually undertaken in 80% Treatment setting: 85% inpatient 14% outpatients Outcome: 23% relapse rate of illness Guidelines: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical APA guidelines not entirely followed AvE: 8 Modified Anesthetic agents: 59% methohexital 36% sodium pentothal 31% propofol Type: 2% sine wave Placement: 79% BL 21% UL Dose:
18% through dosing strategy 30% fixed (formula-based) 55% titration Monitoring: All used EKG, pulse oximetry and vital sign monitoring. 14% EEG monitoring not used. 53% cuff technique not used Latin America and the Caribbean (L) Levav I (Levav and Gonzalez 1996) Study: Postal questionnaire survey to directors responsible for mental health programs and/or psychiatric hospitals N= 19 Latin America countries, 17 (89%) responded and two partially. N= 12 Caribbean, only four (30%) provided ECT Date: 1995 Time span: One year No information Comment: Haiti not included among the Caribbean territories Unknown country names of included in Latin America.