Estimated spontaneous polarization values are close to the experi

Estimated spontaneous polarization values are close to the experimental one. The electronic structure and the evolution of spontaneous polarization are compared with those for nonmagnetic tetrathiafulvalene-p-chloranil (TTF-CA). The relationship among magnetism, orbital hybridization and emergence of spontaneous polarization has been discussed.”
“The spore photoproduct lesion (SP; 5-thymine-5,6-dihydrothymine) is the dominant photoproduct found in UV-irradiated

spores of some bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis. Upon spore germination, this lesion is repaired in a light-independent manner by a specific repair enzyme: the spore photoproduct lyase (SP lyase). In this work, a host-guest approach in which the N-terminal fragment of Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (MMLV RT) serves as the host and DNA as the guest was used to determine the crystal structures of complexes including 16 bp JNK-IN-8 oligonucleotides with and without the SP lesion at 2.14 and 1.72 angstrom resolution, respectively. In contrast to other types of thymine-thymine lesions, the SP lesion retains normal Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding to the adenine bases of the complementary strand, with shorter hydrogen bonds than found in the structure of the undamaged DNA. However, the lesion induces structural changes in the local conformation of what is otherwise B-form DNA. The region surrounding the

lesion differs significantly in helical form from B-DNA, and the minor groove

is widened by almost 3 angstrom compared with that of the undamaged DNA. Thus, these unusual structural features associated with SP lesions may provide a basis for recognition by the SP 3-MA lyase.”
“The sequencing of large, complex genomes has become routine, but understanding how sequences relate to biological function is less straightforward. Although much attention is focused on how to annotate genomic features such as developmental enhancers and non-coding RNAs, there is still no higher eukaryote for which we know the correct exon-intron structure of at least one ORF for each gene. Despite this uncomfortable truth, genome annotation has made remarkable progress since the first drafts of the human genome were analysed. By combining several computational and experimental methods, we are now closer to producing complete and accurate gene catalogues than ever before.”
“This article describes an endovascular technique of treating an infected pseudoaneurysm by direct thrombin injection via a catheter placed inside the aneurysm sac while maintaining temporary balloon occlusion of the neck of the false aneurysm.”
“Protein aggregation is the cause of several human diseases. Understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in protein aggregation requires knowledge of the kinetics and structures populated during the reaction. Arguably, the best structurally characterized misfolding reaction is that of alpha(1)-antitrypsm.

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