2008; Stevens 2002). Items were assigned to a factor if their factor loading was 0.40 or greater (Stevens 2002). In case of cross-loadings, they were assigned to the factor with highest factor loading. The selection of items forming the definite subscale was based on the following considerations: 1. The content of the items: selected items should clearly represent the subconstruct
with as many different facets as possible. 2. Factor loading: items with higher factor loadings were preferred. 3. Cronbach’s alpha: items with highest contribution selleck to the scale’s overall alpha were proposed for selection. The analyses were repeated after each deletion of items until the unidimensional structure of each subscale was stable without
further improvement in the alpha coefficient. MEK inhibitor A Cronbach’s alpha of at least 0.70 was regarded sufficient and above 0.80 as good (Nunnally 1978; Streiner and Norman 2008). Since the item pool was too large (231 items) to analyze in one PCA, we analyzed four clusters of themes that are related to each other from a theoretical point of view. This division is in line with existing models of job performance (Viswevaran and Ones 2000). Our first cluster, “cognitive aspects of work functioning”, corresponds with the idea of task performance. The second cluster, “causing incidents”, corresponds with counterproductive behavior, although we do not regard causing incidents as voluntary, which is part of the definition of counterproductive behavior. Our third cluster, “interpersonal behavior”, and fourth cluster, “energy
and motivation”, are in accordance with organizational performance and the extra effort needed to perform the work, respectively. RVX-208 See Table 2 for the allocation of themes to the clusters. Finally, to test whether the selected subscale structure remained stable, a confirmatory factor analysis with all remaining items from all clusters was carried out, using the Oblique Multiple Group Method (Stuive et al. 2008; Stuive et al. 2009). Based on the highest item test correlations for each item on each subscale, it can be determined for which subscale the individual items have the best fit. Possible incorrect assignments of items to subtests were corrected in this step. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 16.0, except for the Parallel Analysis, which was conducted using Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis (Watkins 2006). Results Results part 1: development of the item pool The literature reviews together with the five focus groups initially yielded 13 themes of impaired work functioning with underlying items. The themes resulting from the systematic literature review and the focus groups overlapped to a large extent. However, the focus group data provided more detailed themes on task execution and comprehensive examples of behavior for all themes.