8 In a study by Schreiber et al 44% of 85 patients had progressi

8 In a study by Schreiber et al. 44% of 85 patients had progression of ARVD on mean follow up of 52 months. A total of 16% progressed to total occlusion. Half the patients with less than 50% stenosis

demonstrated no change in the sequential angiogram. The rate of progression to complete occlusion was 39% in the ‘75–99% stenosis’ group compared with 5% in the ‘<50%’ group. The average monthly rate of progression in the three patient groups (<50%, 50–75%, 75–99%) were 1.59, 1.37 and 2.01, respectively.9 Dean et al. performed a subset analysis of a prospective randomized study and reported progression in patients designated to the medical management arm. The method of randomization was not specified. Over a mean follow-up period of 28 months, progression to Selleckchem Antiinfection Compound Library total occlusion occurred in

four patients (12%). No data were provided regarding the baseline degree of stenosis in these arteries.10 Renal duplex sonography (RDS), although fraught with drawbacks of reproducibility and availability of technical expertise, is currently considered a useful tool for monitoring ARVD when optimal sonographic conditions can be ensured. A number of studies have looked at the stenosis progression with RDS. A large prospective observational study by Caps et al. looked at 295 renal arteries in 170 patients over a 5-year period using RDS. They used the principle that blood flow velocity across the stenosis was proportional to the degree of vessel diameter reduction. An increase in peak BVD-523 in vivo systolic velocity (PSV) of ≥100 cm/s was derived as being significant based on the between-observer variability for renal artery PSV measurements. Disease progression was defined as any detectable increase in the degree diameter reduction in the renal artery, including renal artery occlusion. The 3-year cumulative incidence

of renal artery disease progression was 18%, 28% and 49% for renal arteries initially classified as normal, <60% stenosis and ≥60% stenosis, respectively. Systolic blood pressure (BP) ≥ 160 mmHg, diabetes mellitus, ipsilateral or contralateral stenosis ≥ 60%, and occlusion of contralateral Carbohydrate renal artery were identified as independent risk factors for stenosis progression in a stepwise Cox proportional hazard analysis.11 Study limitations, apart from being observational included: selected patients had hypertension or reduced kidney function. Patients with ARVD and normal BP and renal function were not included. Despite these limitations, this study provides insight into the risk factors associated with the progression of stenosis. The first population-based prospective study looking at incident RAS and its progression was reported by Pearce et al. in 2006.

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