Additionally, we analyzed global reading measures and local reading measures Tanespimycin concentration on target words in the filler stimuli (fillers during the reading task and errors during the
proofreading task), comparing them between the two experiments, to assess the relative difficulty of proofreading for nonword errors and proofreading for wrong word errors. The method of Experiment 2 was identical to the method for Experiment 1 with the following exceptions. A different set of 48 subjects, with the same selection criteria as Experiment 1 participated in Experiment 2. The stimuli in Experiment 2 were identical to those in Experiment 1 except for the words that constituted errors in the proofreading task. Error stimuli were produced by selecting the transposition letter neighbor of the target word (from Johnson, 2009), which was inappropriate in the sentence context (e.g., trail produced trial; “The runners trained for the marathon on the trial behind the high school.”). Using these items from Johnson (2009) in both experiments meant that the base words from which the errors were formed were controlled across experiments for length, frequency, number of orthographic neighbors, number of syllables and fit into the sentence. Thus, the only difference between experiments was whether the transposition error happened to produce a real word. The procedure was identical to Experiment
1 except that, in the proofreading learn more block, subjects were instructed that they would be “looking for misspelled
words that spell check cannot catch. That is, these misspellings happened to produce an actual word but not the word that the writer intended.” and there were 5 practice trials (three errors) preceding the proofreading block instead of 3. As in Experiment 1, subjects performed very well both on the comprehension questions (93% correct) and in the proofreading task (91% Doxorubicin in vitro correct; Table 3). In addition to overall accuracy, we used responses in the proofreading task to calculate d′ scores (the difference between the z-transforms of the hit rate and the false alarm rate; a measure of error detection) for each subject and compared them between experiments using an independent samples t test. Proofreading accuracy was significantly higher in Experiment 1 (M = 3.05, SE = .065) than in Experiment 2 (M = 2.53, SE = .073; t(93) = 5.37, p < .001), indicating that checking for real words that were inappropriate in the sentence context was more difficult than checking for spelling errors that produce nonwords. As with the analyses of Experiment 1 (when subjects were checking for nonwords) we analyzed reading measures on the target words in the frequency (e.g., metal/alloy) or predictability (weeds/roses) manipulation sentences when they were encountered in Experiment 2 (when subjects were checking for wrong words) to determine whether the type of error subjects anticipated changed the way they used different word properties (i.e.