However, relationships within the subgroup “B” Trametes-Lenzites-

However, relationships within the subgroup “B” Trametes-Lenzites-Pycnoporus-Coriolopsis (Ko 2000) of the core polyporoid group remained uncertain. Morphological features defining these four genera such as lamellate or Gilteritinib order pored hymenophore and colour of the hyphae have not yet proved their worth at the generic level. By addition of more

tropical and rare temperate taxa, such a configuration is no more fully supported by our phylogenetic results, and three (ITS + RPB2 analysis, Fig. 1) well-supported monophyletic lineages can be identified, with some still uncertainly placed outstanding taxa such as Lenzites warnieri for which some molecular data are missing. Although the basal resolution of the three main clades (1, 2, 3) remains relatively weak, whatever the data sets and analyses, each of them received a good support by the concatenate analysis as well as by the macro- and microcharacters (Fig. 1). At this stage two possibilities can be considered according to such results: either recognizing an unique genus Trametes, enlarged to encompass the three traditional genera cited above; or, as far as some monophyletic clades can be supported by morphological features, split this clade into different genera,

each of them defined by a thorough combination of characters. Morphology supplies strong information where molecular phylogenies provide weak support, and helped us mTOR inhibitor propose a better systematic arrangement. Therefore, we propose separation and delimitation of four distinct CB-839 genera in the Trametes group (Fig. 1; Table 3): 1) Trametes, corresponding to the species with pubescent to hirsute upper surface, including most temperate species fitting the traditional definition of the genus, in addition to ‘Lenzites’ betulinus and ‘Coriolopsis’ polyzona;   2) Pycnoporus to include species with red basidiomes, blackening

with KOH;   3) Artolenzites to include the tropical ‘Lenzites’ elegans;   4) Leiotrametes gen. nov., comprising three tropical species: ‘Trametes’ menziesii, T. lactinea, ‘Leiotrametes sp.’   Table 3 Morphologic characteristics of genera and species groups in the Trametes-group Morphologic features Genus Upper surface Hyphal Parietal Crystals KOH reactivity Attachement to the substrate Hymenophore Presence of a Black Line below the tomentum Trametes Pubescent to hirsute None – except T. versicolor: blue soluble in KOH 5% Context and abhymenial surface sordid yellow – except T. polyzona and abhymenial surface of T. versicolor which are deep brown Never contracted into a stem-like base Regularly pored or radialy elongated, daedaleoid to lamellate. Dentate when pored (T. versicolor-T. maxima) Sometimes for T. betulina, T. hirsuta, T.

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