In addition, as our study suggests, IL-15 is unlikely to be the only stimulus that determines the extent of NK-cell expansion. We found that stimulation with IL-15 had a profound impact on NK cells, but that the kinetics and the extent of activation were readily enhanced by addition of other cytokines. Addition of SCF accelerated the IL-15 induced downregulation of c-kit, whereas the combination of IL-7 and IL-15 downregulated
CD127 even more profoundly than IL-15 alone (data not shown). Hence, SCF, Cabozantinib cost IL-2, IL-7 and perhaps multiple other stimuli present in the plasma of transplanted patient may modulate the effect of IL-15 and conceal the direct relationship between IL-15 and the extent of NK-cell expansion. Our data show that the “aberrant” NK-cell phenotypes as well as the reversed CD56bright/CD56dim observed after HSCT 27–30, 32, 33 can be attributed
ZD1839 to activation and subsequent expansion of CD56bright. Because we found no correlation between the number of ptCD56bright and CD56dim, we find it unlikely that the bulk of ptCD56bright are NK cells maturing toward CD56dim. Moreover, we observed that patients with high numbers of ptCD56bright could have low numbers of CD56dim for a prolonged period of time and that the number of ptCD56bright could remain high for as long as 6 months in patients with slow T-cell recovery (data not shown). Obviously, our data do not exclude that part of ptCD56bright mature into CD56dim nor suggest that CD56bright circulating in peripheral blood and lymph nodes cannot be the precursors of from CD56dim. They do show, however, that the level of expression of c-kit and CD127, two receptors often used as markers to define distinct NK-cell lineages 37, 38 or different NK-cell subsets 4, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19 may simply reflect the cytokine level of the environment they have been isolated from and that caution should be taken to interpret low c-kit- or CD127-levels as proof of maturation of CD56bright toward CD56dim. Patients (eleven AML, five ALL, six CML, one CLL, two MDS, two HL and two NHL) received PBSC from related (n=14) or unrelated (n=15) donors after standard intensity (n=24)
or reduced intensity conditioning (n=5) combined with ATG if the donor was unrelated. Twenty-three patients received grafts depleted by Alemtuzumab in vitro followed by T-cell add-back on day+1 as described previously 53. GvHD prophylaxis was by Cyclosporine combined with Methotrexate or with Mycophenolate Mophetil after reduced intensity conditioning. Sequential analysis of mixed chimerism 54 showed that all hematological lineages were of donor-origin except for T cells that could be of mixed origin during the first 6 months. Sixteen healthy individuals donating blood at our Blood Transfusion Center served as normal controls. Our institutional ethics committee approved the research and patients gave informed consent.