Note the additional peaks for selleck products the case with the defect. Conclusion We have investigated the electronic and transport
properties of circular graphene layers with a pentagonal disclination. In particular, using a tight-binding model, we have calculated the density of states, transmission function, participation number and local density of states of the structure with and without defects. The density of states for the structure with the PD shows several peaks that are associated with new localized states, which have been checked by calculating the local density of states and the participation number. We observe changes in the available quasi-bound states due to the defect and new peaks of the transmission function. Comparing these results, we conclude that there are more quasi-bound
states in the structure with the defect, states associated with both the presence of quasi-bound states related to the atoms belonging to the defect and others due to the circular confinement and edge states due to circular boundaries of the finite lattice and the defect. Acknowledgements FR would like to acknowledge the DGAPA project PAPPIT IN112012 for their financial support and sabbatical scholarship at the UPCT. References 1. Meyer JC, Geim AK, Katsnelson MI, Novoselov KS, Booth TJ, S R: The structure of suspended graphene sheets. Phys Rev Lett 1994, 72:1878.CrossRef 2. Castro Neto AH, Guinea F, Peres NMR, Novoselov KS, Geim AK: The electronic properties of graphene. Rev Mod Phys 2009, 81:109.CrossRef 3. Geim AK: Graphene: Status and prospects. Dactolisib order Science 2009, 324:1530.CrossRef 4. Ihn T, Güttinger J, Molitor F, Schnez S, Schurtenberger E, Jacobsen A, Hellmüller Anidulafungin (LY303366) S, Frey T, Dröscher S, Stampfer C, Ensslin K: Graphene single electron transistors. Mater Today 2010, 13:44.CrossRef 5. Molitor F, Güttinger J, Stampfer C, Dröscher S, Jacobsen A, Ihn T, Ensslin K: Electronic
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