only. Validation of miRNA targets We report here that many targets were captured by the degradome analysis, which provided experimental evidence to support previous computational selleck chem predic tions. Because of its polyploid genome, many soybean genes are present in multiple copies. As a result, some of the reads align to multiple members of the same gene family. To further confirm the degradome data for some of the family members, a RLM 5 RACE ex periment was performed to examine which family members were targeted by the miRNA for degradation. For gma miR160 in the cotyledon degradome library, we have identified five targets annotated as Auxin Response Factors. Four of the five, namely Glyma12g08110. 1, Glyma12g29720. 1, Glyma14g33730. 1 and Glyma11g20490.
1, were also verified by RLM 5RACE to be subjected to cleavage guided by gma miR160. GO analysis of miRNA target genes in soybean seed developmental stages The identified targets for miRNAs in the three cotyledon degradome libraries were classified by their gene ontol ogy using the AgriGO toolkit. Higher percentages of these targets were found to be involved in developmental, reproductive, and regulatory and metabolic processes with respect to their propor tions within the GO classification of all soybean cDNAs. The same general pattern is found for the targets pre dicted with the seed coats. The enrichment of the genes involved in developmental and regulatory processes may be consistent with the fact that the degradome libraries were constructed from different stages of developing soybean seeds.
For the developing seeds, it is of utmost important to accumulate proteins and lipids that are subsequently used as the source of energy and amino acids for the germinating seedling. The corresponding miRNAs may regulate the expression of these target genes during different seed developmen tal stages in soybean through affecting various transcrip tion factors that induce or shut off specific metabolic networks during the course of seed development. Interestingly, we identified more miRNA targets in the cotyledons of late seed maturation than earlier stages with a total of AV-951 92 different targets in the 300 400 desiccating, yellow seeds compared to 60 and 53 total in the early and mid maturation, immature green seed respectively. Discussion Regulation of gene expression by miRNAs has been comprehensively investigated in animals and plants.
In the case of higher plants, Arabidopsis and rice miRNA targets have been widely studied by high throughput sequencing. Soybean is a polyploid crop plant having a complex and large genome compared to Arabidopsis and rice. The number of iden tified miRNAs and their potential targets in soybean is limited. To date, degradome sequencing has been reported for only one soybean tissue, namely the very young whole seed extracted 15 days after flowering from the cultivar Heinong44. In order to study the regu lation of gene expression during soybean seed develop ment, we constructed