Rats with regular estrous cycle were submitted to ovariectomy (OVX)9 or sham surgery under xilazine (0.03 ml/100 g bw/ip-Dopaser Laboratories Calier S.A., Barcelona, Spain) and ketamin (0.07 ml/100 g bw/ip-Fort Dodge Saúde Animal Ltd., Brazil). The animals were randomly separated in 4 groups with 40 animals each one: (1) sham, (2) OVX/O, (3) OVX/E2 and (4) OVX/RLX. Every treatment started at the 8th day after ovariectomy
and lasted for 60 days. buy Ku-0059436 The OVX animals received pellets (1.2 cm silastic tubing; Dow Corning, Grand Rapids, MI, USA) with 17β-estradiol (400 μg; Sigma, Saint Louis, MO, USA) – OVX/E2 group or pellets with corn oil – group OVX/O. The pellets were subcutaneously inserted in the back of the rats and changed each 30 days during the experimental selleck chemicals llc period because in this last period there was modification in the vaginal smears with the presence of large amounts of leukocytes, according to previous studies conducted in our
laboratory (date not shown). Raloxifene (1 mg/kg/day; Evista; Lilly, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) was directly liberated in the stomach of the experimental animals, through gavage. The treatments were performed for 60 days. The animals were anesthetized with xylazine (0.03 ml/100 g body weight [bw]/intraperitoneal [ip]; Dopaser® Laboratories Calier SA, Barcelona, Spain) and ketamine (7 μl/kg bw/ip; Fort Dodge Saúde Animal Ltd., Brazil), and after the antisepsis Dynein (polyvinylpyrrolidone iodide; Indústria Química e Farmacêutica Rioquímica Ltd., Brazil), the right upper incisive was extracted with appropriate instrumental.10 The dental sockets were sutured with silk thread (Ethicon 4.0, Johnson and Johnson, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). The extractions were realized in a way that at the end of 60 days,
it was possible to obtain pieces with reference to 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days of alveolar wound healing. After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed by intracardic perfusion (Cole Parmer Instrument Company, Vernon Hills, IL, USA) with a 4% paraformaldehyde solution (Acros organics, NJ, USA) then, the right maxilla was removed. The obtained pieces were postfixed in 4% paraformaldehyde solution, demineralized with 1% EDTA (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and crioprotected with sucrose (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). The pieces were longitudinally sectioned through the long axis of the alveolar process with a cryostat (Micron Zeiss, Berlin, Germany) in order to obtain slices with 14 μm thickness, that were mounted in previously gelatinized slides.