The nitrate concentration in the ATES waters of systems A, B, D,

The nitrate concentration in the ATES waters of systems A, B, D, E, F and G comes rarely above the detection limit and when above detection limit it stays far below the drinking water standard of 50 mg/l (e.g. maximally 2.6 mg/l in system D). An exception is ATES system C where the nitrate concentration is much higher and often above drinking water standard (Fig. 6). The reason is that the Brussels Sands aquifer at this location is a phreatic aquifer, low in organic matter

content in which the groundwater remains oxidized to a large depth. Therefore the aquifer is vulnerable to nitrate contamination especially when shallow, by fertilization nitrate rich groundwater is pumped, mixed with deeper groundwater and injected

back in the other well during the ATES operation. Fig. 6 shows Vorinostat chemical structure that no trend in the concentration time series is recorded, as a result it can be assumed that the deviation from the ambient values is explained by initial mixing of groundwater during development of the wells and in the beginning of ATES operation. This mixing effect is confirmed by data from more shallow monitoring wells in the vicinity of system C, where nitrate concentrations of about 50 mg/l occur, in contrast to the nearby deep monitoring well (2-0073) where the maximal measured nitrate concentration is 2 mg/l. No temperature influence on the groundwater quality is recorded for the ATES systems in Flanders. This is in accordance with the results from other studies and could be expected as these ATES systems operate

with small temperature differences (ΔT ≤ 10) and within a narrow temperature range (about 6–16 °C). As was already stated in the research of Bonte et al., 2013c and Bonte et al., 2011b groundwater vulnerability in the deeper part of the aquifer is increased by injecting shallow groundwater, which is more influenced by human activity, over the whole length of the well screen. The largest risk hereby exists for phreatic aquifers, which are of less protected against contamination. This can lead to a deteriorated quality of the water pumped in a nearby public drinking water supply well field, especially when the well screens of the drinking water wells are situated deeper than the screens of the ATES wells. The results of this study suggest however that the quality changes at the investigated sites are rather small, so that there is no immediate risk for the drinking water supply in these cases. When mixing of shallow groundwater with deeper groundwater occurs, it is clear that the changes in the water composition are made in the beginning of ATES operation or even while developing the wells as no further deterioration of groundwater quality was monitored in the investigated ATES systems.

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