The protein

The protein structural modeling together with the CEP Server (Kulkarni-Kale et al., 2005) are trustworthy bioinformatics tools which allow to achieve this knowledge with great accuracy. Using these procedures, in this study we identified in the Pp-Hyal 3D-structural model the location of five conformational and seven linear predicted epitopes, thus corroborating with the results observed by Western blotting and contributing for a better understanding of the immunogenic potential of this Pp-Hyal venom allergen. The structural superposition of the three molecules (data not

shown) revealed that the folding of rVes v 2 (Skov et al., 2006), Api m 2 (Markovic-Housley et al., 2000), and Pp-Hyal-3D structures were similar as well as the active site location, but as described by Skov et al. (2006), the Hyal proteins from bee and wasps have significant structural differences in its surfaces related to topology and also in charge distribution, what may explain the unlikely occurrence of cross-reactivity between them. These data could be confirmed in our study since cross-reaction was only observed between wasp venoms of the same genus, Polybia, and no reaction with the venoms of A. mellifera, S. invicta, A. pallipes pallipes, or P. lanio lanio. Meanwhile, these results differ from some reports of wasps in temperate climates, in which cross-reactivity

has been observed between the venoms of wasps and bees, as an example the recent study of Eberlein et al. (2012) that estimated that approximately 59% of patients

allergic to Hymenoptera trans-isomer chemical structure venom show positive results for both bee and wasp. This is mainly due to the IgE-specificity of hyaluronidase, being that this allergen is the most conserved venom component. The absence of cross-reactivity is important, as it allows identification of the insect responsible for sensitization of the victim (or at least the phylogenetically closest insect), which is crucial to develop immunotherapy for allergic patients. The production and use of allergen-specific antibodies (native and/or recombinant), such HSP90 as the Pp-Hyal-specific antibody produced here, has been an ongoing strategy to overcome difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. In this context, experiments for the production of the major allergens from the P. paulista venom (Hyal, Ag5 and PLA1) in the recombinant forms and the obtaining of its specifics antibodies are being conducted. This work was supported by FAPESP (Proc. N° 2009/51539-1) through a Doctoral fellowship to Débora Laís Justo Jacomini. The authors also thank the support by PROAP-CAPES from the Post-Graduation Program of Biological Sciences (Cellular and Molecular Biology) at the Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, SP, Brazil. We thank Nora Hersoug Nedberg for the typewriting revision of the manuscript.

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