The time-integrated PL intensities of the three decaying components were deduced by fitting the PL decay curves with the triple exponential function. The PL intensities are plotted as a function of temperature in Figure 2. As can be seen, time-integrated intensities of the two slower decaying components (I 1 and I 2, corresponding to the PL components with the decay times τ 1 and τ 2) depend strongly on temperature, while the fastest decaying component (I 3 with τ 3) is almost constant for temperature. We analyzed these temperature dependences of PL intensities of the I 1 and I 2 components by a thermal
quenching model taking an existence of ‘middle state’ into account [24]. In our calculation, we assumed that the time-integrated intensity of the Selonsertib observed PL was equivalent to that measured by the steady-state excitation
because the PL decay times in the present Si ND system are below 2 ns. In this model, we considered three levels schematically shown in Figure 2b. The emissive excitonic level denoted by E x is assumed to exist between the barrier level for thermal escape of photo-excited carriers from individual NDs and the lower-energy level E 0. This E 0 level is possibly due to localization at trap states formed by spatial displacements of wavefunctions of an electron and hole in the ND system. The electronic states in the Si NDs can largely be affected by the interfacial bonding states of Si atoms. Therefore, radiative interfacial states (E x ) and deeper trap levels (E 0) can be formed. The PL intensity from this middle state is basically proportional to the number of electron–hole Vactosertib solubility dmso pair or exciton at this level and thus dependent on a thermal escape rate beyond the barrier as well as on a thermal excitation rate from the lowest trap level. In this case, the PL intensity can be described as follows: (1) where E act and E low are activation energies for the thermal escape
and thermal excitation, respectively. C and D are proportionality factors. The PHA-848125 calculations using Equation 1 are fitted to experimental values and shown by solid lines in Figure 2a. Figure 2 Time-integrated PL intensities. Ι 1 (an open blue triangle), Ι 2 (an open green circle), and Ι 3 (a closed red square) of the individual decaying see more components with the decay times τ 1, τ 2, and τ 3, respectively, as a function of temperature in the Si ND array with the SiC barrier (a). Solid blue and green lines are calculations using a three-state model. A dotted red line is the guide for the eyes. A schematic illustration of the three-level model used in the analysis for the temperature dependences of PL intensities of time-resolved I 1 and I 2 components (b). The E act values, which express PL quenching slopes in the high-temperature region, were determined to be E act1 = 490 meV and E act2 = 410 meV for the time-resolved I 1 and I 2 components, respectively.