The virome may significantly influence the host’s physiological and immunological responses, adding an additional layer of complexity to these interactions. The penile microbiome has been less studied than the vaginal microbiota. The coronal sulcus (CS) and distal urethra have distinct bacterial communities [84]. The microbiota in the urine appears to reflect distal urethral Selinexor datasheet microbiota [85]. The CS microbiota appears
more stable than the urine microbiota and the composition of the CS microbiota is strongly influenced by circumcision [84] and [86]. BV-associated taxa, including Atopobium, Megasphaera, Mobiluncus, Prevotella and Gemella, are detected in CS specimens from both sexually experienced and inexperienced participants [84]. Lactobacilli and streptococci are found in high relative abundance in urine but their abundance is inversely correlated. The penis and the urethra can be colonized by a variety of BV-associated bacteria that may be a result of sexual contact [84]. Price et al. demonstrated a decrease in anaerobic bacteria of the penile coronoal selleck chemicals llc sulci after medical male circumcision (MMC)
[86]. It is hypothesized that circumcision may reduce genital mucosal inflammation by altering microbial burden. Randomized controlled trials have shown MMC reduces the risk of HIV and STI acquisition, including HSV and HPV in men and HPV, BV and Trichomonas vaginalis in women [87], [88] and [89]. The interaction between sex hormones and the immune system is complex. Most 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl of the published data have focused on the female reproductive tract. Limited data exist for the male reproductive tract. Immune responses in the female genital
tract are regulated by sex hormones: antigen presentation, cytokine production, immunoglobulin production and transport, and induction of tolerance have all been shown to be influenced by variations in the levels of sex hormones [9] and [90]. In addition, the impact of sex hormones appears to differ between the lower and upper genital tract in women. Most cells in the reproductive tract express estradiol receptors (epithelial cells, macrophages, stromal cells, and lymphocytes). There appears to be some consistency in hormonal effects on lower genital tract immunity – namely, a dampening of cervicovaginal immune responses around the time – and for a short period of time following ovulation [91]. This is consistent with the body’s attempt to optimize the environment to promote successful fertilization and subsequent embryo development. Some investigators have defined the term “window of vulnerability” that begins shortly before ovulation (around day 12 of a normal menstrual cycle – the pre-ovulatory follicular phase at the time of the β-estradiol peak) and persists until around day 21 (mid luteal phase around the time of the progestational peak) [92].