These include two sets of genes annotated for a molybdate-type fo

These include two sets of genes annotated for a molybdate-type formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase (fmd), and two gene sets for a tunsten-type formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase (fwd), five heterodisulfide reductase-like hdrED and hdrABC gene clusters for reduction of Coenzyme M-Coenzyme B heterodisulfide, two sets of vht genes for F420 non-reducing hydrogenase, and two sets of genes for ATP synthesizing complexes [5]. Additional genes include frh hydrogenase-like genes, plus additional genes for rnf- ACP-196 supplier and mrp-type membrane associated bacterial electron transfer complexes, plus genes needed for acetate metabolism (discussed below). Homologous and seemingly “”redundant”"

genes/gene sets are also found in the genomes of M. mazei,

and M. barkeri (Table 1). The reason for these genome makeups is currently unknown. M. acetivorans was used as a model microorganism to evaluate expression of over twenty sets of genes using gene specific primer pairs designed to eliminate cross-hybridization when DNA sequence similarity exists (Methods). RT-PCR, pPCR, and 5′ analysis was then performed using RNA isolated from M. acetivorans cells grown with either acetate or methanol learn more as the sole source of carbon and energy. In this study, a number of new M. acetivorans gene designations were established to distinguish among homologous orfs (Table 1, and described below). Formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase (fmd, fwd) gene expression Two of the four previously annotated sets of genes for formylmethanofuran dehydrogenasethese were designated as molybdenum-type enzymes and are named here as fmdE1F1A1C1D1B1 and fmdF2A2C2D2B2 (Figure 1A). Two additional gene sets were annotated as tungsten-type formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase, and are designated here as fwdD1B1A1C1 and fwdG2B2D2 (Figure 1B). Using qPCR analysis methods (Methods), the molybdenum-type operon reporter genes fmdE1 and fmdA1 (Figure 1A) were shown to be expressed at 14-fold higher levels during methanol growth conditions relative to

acetate growth (Figure 1C). The second set of reporter genes (fmdF2, fmdA2, and fmdB2) were expressed about 2-fold higher during these conditions, but the maximal level of expression was less than 5% of that seen Dehydratase for the fmdE1 and fmdA1genes. Noteworthy, the fmdE1 and fmdA1 gene expression values were within the same range observed for the fpoN and fpoL genes that encode subunits of the F420 H2 dehydrogenase needed for central pathway electron transfer functions (described below). The high transcript abundance of the fmdE1F1A1C1D1B1 gene cluster implies a major role of this gene set during methanogenesis in contrast to that for the fmd2 gene set. Figure 1 Differential expression of genes annotated for fmd and fwd in M. acetivorans. Panel A) the six and five gene fmdE1F1A1C1D1B1 and fmdF2A2C2D2B2 clusters encoding the two putative molybdenum-type formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase enzyme complexes.

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