These proportions do not differ for either trial period (object:

These proportions do not differ for either trial period (object: χ21 = 0.75, p = 0.37; odor: χ21 = 2.27, p = 0.132). The rank correlation analysis indicated no relationship between the object-related

θ power difference PD-1 inhibitor and the proportion of object-selective neurons recorded from the same tetrode for either trial period (rank correlation, p value for object; object: τ = 0.08, p = 0.43; odor: τ = 0.16, p = 0.15). These analyses indicate that θ is prevalent during all periods of task performance and that θ power in only a minority of tetrodes distinguishes the objects that began the sequence in each trial period. Furthermore, object-selective neurons are observed both in tetrodes where θ power differentiates the objects and those in which it does not in each trial period, indicating that differences in θ power are neither necessary

nor sufficient Romidepsin in vitro for producing object-selective neurons. The present findings reveal that a very large proportion of hippocampal neurons encode each sequential moment in a series of events that compose a distinct repeated experience. Hippocampal neurons fired at a sequence of times during key events that occur reliably at particular moments (the objects and odors), and “time cells” encoded sequential moments during an extended discontiguity between those identifiable events. Many hippocampal neurons encoded specific nonspatial stimuli (the object Urease and odors) as well as behavioral responses (go and nogo). Most impressively, the time cells that were active during the discontiguity between the key events fired differentially depending on how the sequence began, indicating that the ensembles contained information about each specific sequence

during the delays when the ongoing behavioral events and general location are the same for different sequences. Thus, hippocampal neuronal ensembles temporally organize and disambiguate distinct sequences of events that compose specific repeated experiences. The evidence that neurons that fire at particular moments in the delay period are “time cells” parallels the evidence that hippocampal neurons that fire at particular locations in space are “place cells.” Thus, the strongest current evidence for hippocampal place cells is two-fold: (1) place cells provide a spatial signal when other potential influences are removed, as observed in recordings from animals moving in random patterns in an open field (Muller et al., 1987); and (2) the firing patterns of place cells are controlled by spatial cues, such that place cells alter their firing patterns when those cues are changed (Muller and Kubie, 1987). Notably, in addition several experiments have held constant all spatial cues but varied the behavioral or cognitive demands, and the common result is that many place cells “remap,” showing that their spatial firing properties are also dependent on nonspatial variables (Eichenbaum et al., 1999).

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