Under the phase matching conditions, the excitation of the graphene surface plasmonics was determined by the distance between graphene layers and duty ratio of gratings, and the mode suppression can be realized by modifying the grating constant and duty ratio. A blueshift of the excitation frequency was PF-562271 solubility dmso obtained for enhanced coupling between GSP of neighbor graphene layers. Increasing the number of graphene layers had almost no effect on the excitation frequency of GSP but would lead to a high absorption with negligible reflection in near-THz range. Finally, the resonant frequency and absorptions can be easily modified by manipulating the structure parameter, including grating constant,
duty ratio, and distance between the graphene layers and number of grating, and graphene-containing grating might become potential
applications of THz region, such as optical absorption devices, optical nonlinear, optical enhancement, and so on. Acknowledgements This project was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (no. 2013CB328702) and by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11374074). References 1. Geim AK, Novoselov KS: The rise of graphene. Nat Mater 2007, 6:183–191.CrossRef 2. Grigorenko A, Polini M, Novoselov K: Graphene plasmonics. Nat Photonics 2012, 6:749–758.CrossRef 3. Bonaccorso F, Sun Z, Hasan T, Ferrari A: Graphene photonics and optoelectronics. Nat Photonics 2010, 4:611–622.CrossRef 4. Novoselov K, Geim AK, check details Morozov S, Jiang D, Grigorieva MKI, Dubonos S, Firsov A: Two-dimensional gas of massless
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