Western Ghats of India is an important biodiversity hotspot of th

Western Ghats of India is an important biodiversity hotspot of the world. Therefore, this study was undertaken to assess the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of H. japonicum collected from Western Ghats VX-770 nmr of India. For the extent of our knowledge, this is the first report on bioactivity of this plant from Western Ghats. However, A few reports are available on total phenolic content, antiviral and

antioxidant activity of H. japonicum collected from Nilgiris of India. 9 and 17 Since the extraction of polyphenols reported to be maximum in methanolic extracts, the plant material was extracted extensively in methanol.18 Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of important classes of pharmacologically active phytochemicals, which had also been reported in the previous studies.19 The antimicrobial activity of the extract was of broad spectrum. S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis were more inhibited than others. Isojacareubin isolated from H. japonicum had been reported to effectively inhibit the methicillin resistant S. aureus and to exert synergistic selleck compound inhibition with antibiotics. 20 Apart from this, quercetin, quercetrin, sarothralen A and sarothralen B are known for antibacterial activity. 4 and 5 Xanthones have been reported as bactericidal including methicillin/multidrug resistant S. aureus. 21,

22 and 23 Higher MIC values of the extract than the antibiotics are not surprising, because, the active molecules were expected to be present in low concentration in a crude extract. Other workers have also recorded high MIC values in crude extracts. 24 Free radicals are whatever highly reactive because of one or more unpaired electrons in their outermost shell. Free radicals of various forms are produced in the living cells during metabolism, as a byproduct of aerobic mode of life. Body has enzymatic and endogenous protective machineries to avoid the free radical mediated injury, nevertheless, these are

not adequate for the complete protection. Therefore, dietary sources of antioxidants are essential as exogenous means to compensate the deficit. Dietary antioxidants from natural sources may be an essential alternate in treating post myocardial infarction and post angioplastic restenosis due to the risk of adverse effects associated with the long term usage of antioxidant synthetic drugs such as Probucol.25 In this view, antioxidant activity of the methanolic extract of H. japonicum was determined by five different methods, each of which is based on different principles. DPPH scavenging activity indicates the hydrogen donation capacity of the extract.9 The results suggested that the antiradical activity of the H. japonicum extract was comparable to that of synthetic BHA which has been considered as a good antioxidant agent. Inhibition of β-carotene bleaching is an effective method to determine the antioxidant capacity of an extract. The assay also indicates the levels of lipophilic antioxidant compounds.1H.

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