With advances in human genetics over the past 30 years, this scen

With advances in human genetics over the past 30 years, this scenario now seems highly unlikely. The African diaspora of AMH that resulted in the colonization of the entire Earth in ∼70,000 years or less now suggests an alternative scenario in which a unique human biology, a propensity for technological innovation, and shared adaptive resilience may underlie the development of agriculture and complex societies in far-flung parts of the world within just buy Etoposide a few millennia, a virtual eyeblink in geological time. The specific nature of this biological change is not currently known—and the behavioral differences between AMH

and contemporary archaic hominins are still hotly debated—but certain facts should not be ignored. H.

erectus, H. heidelbergensis, and H. neandertalensis never moved beyond Africa and Eurasia, for instance, never colonized Australia, the Americas, or the many remote islands of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans, they rarely (if ever) drove animal or plant species MDV3100 manufacturer to extinction, never domesticated plants and animals or developed pottery, weaving, metallurgy, and many other technologies, and they never dominated the Earth. With the appearance of AMH, in contrast, humanity began a rapid demographic and geographic expansion, accomplished over the past 70,000 years or less, and facilitated by a progressive acceleration of technological change that continues Pregnenolone today. Within this remarkable biological and cultural history, multiple tipping points can be identified along a developmental trajectory that resulted in human

domination of the Earth. These include: (1) the appearance of AMH in Africa, with the seeds of ingenuity, innovation, adaptive resilience, and rapid technological change that progressed from the Middle Stone Age through the Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Iron Age, and Industrial Revolution; All these historical events contributed to the peopling of the Earth and the profound and cumulative effects humans have had on the ecology of our planet. They are all part of the process that led to human domination of the Earth and, as such, a logical case might be made for any one of these ‘tipping points’ being a marker for the onset of the Anthropocene epoch. It seems unlikely that a global case can be made for the Anthropocene prior to about 10,000 years ago, however, when humans had reached every continent other than Antarctica, had begun to domesticate plants and animals, were contributing to extinctions on a broad scale, and were reaching population levels capable of more pervasive ecological footprints. At the end of this volume, we will return to these issues, informed by the papers that follow.

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