In order to precisely deposit the electrodes on a single SWNT, a

In order to precisely deposit the electrodes on a single SWNT, a specially designed substrate holder is used that keeps a fixed overlapping distance between the catalyst and electrode

masks to within few microns resolution. Figure 2c shows deposited electrodes on a SWNT synthesized from the same pad’s dimensions of 10 × 2 μm. Figure 2 SEM images of SWNTs synthesized from different catalyst pads. Size of catalyst pad is 100 × 10 μm in (a), 10 × 2 μm in (b), and 10 × 2 μm in (c) with deposited electrodes. All scale bars are 40 μm. Figure 3a shows BTSA1 order a typical AFM topography image of a SWNT between electrodes. It is noted that with the 2 nm thickness of the Co catalyst used, the obtained SWNTs have typical diameters of less than 1 nm. Figure 3b displays a Raman

mapping image used to locate and confirm the presence of a single SWNT located between the electrodes. Figure 3c,d present the AFM thickness profiles of two nanotubes, denoted as SWNT1 and SWNT2, with estimated diameters of around 0.8 and 0.6 nm, respectively. It is noted that the measurement of SWNTs diameters by AFM is not accurate due to the roughness of the quartz substrate (typically 0.1 nm), as well as the interaction forces between the SWNTs and the substrate [11]. In order to precisely determine the diameter and chirality of our SWNTs, a study of the Raman spectrum Selleckchem I-BET151 of each SWNT is required [22]. Figure 3e shows the Raman spectra of the samples, where the G-band peaks are clearly observed for both SWNT1 and SWNT2. It is noted the absence of the D-band peaks from the spectra, which VX-680 mw indicates that the synthesized SWNTs are nearly defect-free. However, the radial breathing mode (RBM) peaks were not observed in the spectra of both SWNTs. This indicates that the observed strong G-band signal from our individual DCLK1 SWNTs is from a resonance

with the scattered photon, or E laser – E G-band  = E ii, where E laser, E G-band (≈0.2 eV), and E ii , are the laser’s energy, the G-band phonons energy, and a SWNT’s optical transition, respectively [22]. Applying the above condition on the Kataura plot (i.e., E ii vs diameter) [23], with E laser = 2.33 eV (532 nm wavelength) and a typical resonance window of 50 meV [22] points to two SWNTs satisfying the resonance condition with their E 22 optical transitions as shown in Figure 3f. Combining this result with the AFM data, it is clear that SWNT1 and SWNT2 correspond to the semiconducting nanotubes (8,4) and (6,4), respectively. This correspondence is achieved with a high degree of certitude as only two SWNTs felt within the Raman resonance condition of our experiment, and the theoretically calculated diameters of these SWNTs, namely 0.84 and 0.69 nm, for (8,4) and (6,4), respectively, are very close to the experimentally measured values by AFM. Figure 3 AFM and Raman spectroscopy data analysis.

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