, 2000). At such connections, the electrical synapse can be detected using hyperpolarizing current pulses. The postsynaptic response to a presynaptic AP will, however, consist of a mixture of the GABAergic synaptic current and the filtered electrically coupled AP. These can be disentangled by
applying gabazine, which blocks the GABAergic IPSC and isolates the remaining electrical component selleck chemical (Figure 1C, right). In contrast, a pure electrical response is unaffected by gabazine application (Figure 1C, left). The distribution of synaptic strengths for the electrical and chemical components of dual connections was similar to that of the overall population (Figures 1D and 1E). The overall probability of dual connections was pD = 0.12. These results show that the chemical and electrical networks within the interneuron population of the cerebellar molecular layer can overlap. We next examined how the probability of connections
between individual MLI pairs depends on the intersomatic distance, after confirming that our estimate of connection probability is not affected by the slicing process (Figure S2A). this website Over the distances tested (≤180 μm in the sagittal Δxy plane; ≤50 μm along the transverse Δz axis; Figures S2B and S2C), the probability of an electrical connection pE and chemical connection pC decreased with both increasing Δxy and Δz (Figure 2A). Along the transverse
axis, the electrical coupling appears confined to a remarkably narrow plane, with Δz ≤30 μm (Figure 2B), whereas the chemical connection is less strongly confined. These results can be explained by the somatodendritic morphology of MLIs: their dendrites are planar and follow the sagittal plane, similarly to Purkinje cell dendrites (Palay and Chan-Palay, 1974, Rakic, 1972 and Sultan and Bower, 1998), whereas their axons have a broader spatial distribution. To quantify the difference between the spatial extent of axons and dendrites, we reconstructed MLIs individually filled with biocytin and imaged their structure using high-resolution confocal microscopy GPX6 (Figure 2C). Their morphologies were centered and realigned with respect to the sagittal plane and pial surface (Supplemental Experimental Procedures; Figure 2D; n = 12 cells) and used to generate a density map in the xy and yz planes. The width of the normalized density map of dendrites and axons along the z axis was estimated as 2σ (dendrite) = 24.1 μm and 2σ (axon) = 41.3 μm, respectively (Figure 2D, right). Thus, dendrites are more segregated to the sagittal plane than axons, which, given the dendritic location of electrical synapses between MLIs (Sotelo and Llinás, 1972), explains the tighter spatial confinement of electrical coupling.