To clarify the solvent decomposition mechanism under a positively biased tip, further investigation is needed although the
mechanism proposed by Vasko et al. [16], in our case involving electron tunneling from the substrate to the tip and formation of reaction intermediates, could provide a valid explanation. Writing is successfully performed in both polarization on p-doped Si(100) wafers having three different surface terminations: H:Si(100), CH3:Si(100), and Si(100) with native oxide layer of 1.7 to 2 nm, as measured by ellipsometer (data not shown). The formation and the geometry of the water meniscus is ruled by a number of factors SB273005 including capillary forces, electric field gradients, ambient humidity, as well as the wetting behavior of the substrate [17]. Oxide growth is confined by the water meniscus and thus sensitive to surface preparation that affects the capillary condensation at the water/silicon interface. As the surface becomes more hydrophilic, line width raises above 100 nm (Figure 4c,d,e) but is not inhibited. As water contact angle increases, the meniscus is likely to condense with different geometries resulting in narrower features (approximately 40 nm). Line height and width written by solvent decomposition BKM120 research buy (Figure 4f) still depend on the
bias applied, but the non-linear behavior indicates a different undergoing mechanism with respect to local oxidation. The carbonaceous composition of the deposit has been confirmed by EDS elemental Montelukast Sodium analysis (see Additional file 1), while structural characterization has been performed by means of Raman spectroscopy and KPFM. Raman spectroscopy has been employed in order to assess the type of bonding present in the carbon deposited
and its degree of amorphization. Detailed maps by micro-Raman spectrometer of two patterned areas were acquired with a Raman probe spot size of 41 μm (see Additional file 1). The Si background signal has been subtracted by the raw data. The average of nine highly representative spectra is shown in Figure 5a,b,c. Figure 5 Raman spectra of patterned regions. (a, b) Two different spectral zones of the same sample patterned with a thicker carbonaceous layer (approximately 50 nm) while (c) spectra, bearing a lower signal, has been collected on a 2-nm-thick layer. All spectra have been fitted with a linear combination of Gaussian and Lorentzian curves (c, f) to extrapolate the peak centers. (d) The G positions and the I(G)/I(D) values fall within the theoretical first stage of the amorphization trajectory. (e) Interdefect distance L a is deducted from Tuinstra-Koenig relation, valid for thin surface layers of a graphite sample. For details, see the main text. (f) A proposed fit that indicates the components of the band around 1,600 cm−1.