All animals in this study were 4 months old at the time of inocul

All animals in this study were 4 months old at the time of inoculation. Sheep

(Suffolk cross, Rideau Arcott cross, Ile-de-France cross with Rideau Arcott) and goats (Alpine-Boer cross) were obtained from breeders in Manitoba. All animal manipulations were approved by the Animal Care Committee of the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health in compliance with the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines (Animal Use Documents #C-08-007, #C-09-004, #C-10-001, #C-11-011). The work with infected animals was performed under containment level 3 conditions (zoonotic BSL-3 Ag). Animals were acclimatized for two weeks prior to inoculation and inoculated subcutaneously find more (SC) with 1 ml of RVFV (ZH501) into the right side of the neck, and if applicable re-inoculated SC or intravenously (IV) depending on the inoculation group. Two doses were compared: “low” dose of 105 PFU per animal and “high” dose of 107 PFU per animal. Rectal temperatures were taken for three days following arrival of the animal to the facility

and for minimum of five days prior to inoculation, learn more and daily during the first week post inoculation. Except for the first group (sheep group A; see below), blood was collected daily for up to 6 or 7 days post inoculation (dpi). At this time point animals were either euthanized to determine virus presence in liver and spleen, or were kept up to 35 dpi for serum production, and bled weekly to follow antibody development (not reported in this manuscript). Overview of the inoculation groups is provided in Table 1. Where it was possible to group animals to compare two experimental

approaches, Student’s t-test was performed. A P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Sheep: Group S-A: eight animals (Suffolk cross) were inoculated with 105 PFU of RVFV prepared in Vero E6 cells. In this pilot trial, blood was collected at 3, 5 and 7 dpi. Group S-B: four animals (Rideau Arcott cross) were inoculated with 105 PFU of RVFV Vero E6 stock. Group S-C: four animals (Rideau Arcott cross) were inoculated with 105 PFU of RVFV C6/36-stock. Group S-D: four animals (Rideau Arcott DNA ligase cross) were inoculated with 107 PFU of Vero E6 stock. Group S-E: eight animals (Rideau Arcott cross) were inoculated with 107 PFU of C6/36-stock in two separate trials. Group S-F: four animals (Rideau Arcott cross) were inoculated with 107 PFU of C6/36 stock and re-inoculated at 1 dpi SC with the same dose. Group S-G: 4 animals (Rideau cross with Arcott or Ile de France) were inoculated with 107 PFU of the C6/36 derived virus stock, followed by IV inoculation with the same dose at 1 dpi. Most of the sheep were euthanized at 6–7 dpi, except for few animals kept for antibody production for 28 dpi. Some of the animals kept for production of antiserum were boosted at 14 dpi. Goats: All animals were Boer cross in groups of four. Group G-A was inoculated with 105 PFU of Vero E6 derived RVFV stock. Group B G-B was inoculated with 105 PFU of C6/36 derived RVFV stock.

In order to avoid any possible food effects on the absorption par

In order to avoid any possible food effects on the absorption parameters, only studies for which the formulations were selleck screening library administrated in fasted conditions were considered. The main pharmacokinetic parameter of interest was the AUC. Whenever reported, the relative bioavailability between the IR and CR formulation, in terms of the AUC ratio (CR/IR) and its 90% confidence interval was employed. Otherwise it was calculated employing an approximation of the Fieller’s Theorem (Fieller,

1954 and Motulsky, 2010) using the reported AUCs, only when both CR and IR formulations were investigated in the same set of subjects. The detailed calculation method is described in the Supplementary Material. For the analysis of the impact of the controlled release formulations on fa, FG and systemic exposure, a

series of simulations were conducted employing the Advanced Dissolution KPT-330 mouse Absorption and Metabolism (ADAM) model within the Simcyp® population-based simulator ( Jamei et al., 2009b) Version 12 Release 2 (Simcyp Limited, Sheffield, UK). The ADAM model is a PBPK absorption model that integrates the drug physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties (e.g. release profile, solubility, permeability, particle size, affinity for metabolic enzymes, etc.) and the human physiology (e.g. gastric empting, intestinal transit times, GI fluid volumes, metabolic enzyme abundances, blood flows, bile secretion, etc.) and their variability ( Jamei et al., 2009b and Jamei et al., 2009c). Within the ADAM model the anatomy of the human GI tract is represented by nine consecutive segments (stomach, duodenum, jejunum 1 and 2, ileum 1–4, and colon). Each segment is described as a smooth cylinder with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each segment accounted for, i.e., fluid

dynamics, pH, bile salt concentration, surface area, blood flows, gut wall mass and volume, etc. Drug transit throughout the segments is modelled as first order unidirectional process, from the stomach to the colon. In each segment the amount of drug is distributed between four different states: drug in formulation, drug released (undissolved), drug dissolved, and drug degraded in the lumen. The dissolution rate can either be inputted from an in vitro dissolution profile and/or estimated from a built-in diffusion Dipeptidyl peptidase layer model (DLM), it is assumed that only dissolved drug can be absorbed. Drug absorption into the gut wall is modelled as a first order process depending on the drug’s intestinal permeability and the segment’s physiological characteristics. When required, Michaelis–Menten kinetics can be used to model carrier mediated intestinal uptake and/or efflux. The intestinal regional distribution pattern of a given transporter is incorporated and is expressed relative to the abundance in the jejunum ( Jamei et al., 2009c and Mouly and Paine, 2003).

The virome may significantly influence the host’s physiological a

The virome may significantly influence the host’s physiological and immunological responses, adding an additional layer of complexity to these interactions. The penile microbiome has been less studied than the vaginal microbiota. The coronal sulcus (CS) and distal urethra have distinct bacterial communities [84]. The microbiota in the urine appears to reflect distal urethral Selinexor datasheet microbiota [85]. The CS microbiota appears

more stable than the urine microbiota and the composition of the CS microbiota is strongly influenced by circumcision [84] and [86]. BV-associated taxa, including Atopobium, Megasphaera, Mobiluncus, Prevotella and Gemella, are detected in CS specimens from both sexually experienced and inexperienced participants [84]. Lactobacilli and streptococci are found in high relative abundance in urine but their abundance is inversely correlated. The penis and the urethra can be colonized by a variety of BV-associated bacteria that may be a result of sexual contact [84]. Price et al. demonstrated a decrease in anaerobic bacteria of the penile coronoal selleck chemicals llc sulci after medical male circumcision (MMC)

[86]. It is hypothesized that circumcision may reduce genital mucosal inflammation by altering microbial burden. Randomized controlled trials have shown MMC reduces the risk of HIV and STI acquisition, including HSV and HPV in men and HPV, BV and Trichomonas vaginalis in women [87], [88] and [89]. The interaction between sex hormones and the immune system is complex. Most 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl of the published data have focused on the female reproductive tract. Limited data exist for the male reproductive tract. Immune responses in the female genital

tract are regulated by sex hormones: antigen presentation, cytokine production, immunoglobulin production and transport, and induction of tolerance have all been shown to be influenced by variations in the levels of sex hormones [9] and [90]. In addition, the impact of sex hormones appears to differ between the lower and upper genital tract in women. Most cells in the reproductive tract express estradiol receptors (epithelial cells, macrophages, stromal cells, and lymphocytes). There appears to be some consistency in hormonal effects on lower genital tract immunity – namely, a dampening of cervicovaginal immune responses around the time – and for a short period of time following ovulation [91]. This is consistent with the body’s attempt to optimize the environment to promote successful fertilization and subsequent embryo development. Some investigators have defined the term “window of vulnerability” that begins shortly before ovulation (around day 12 of a normal menstrual cycle – the pre-ovulatory follicular phase at the time of the β-estradiol peak) and persists until around day 21 (mid luteal phase around the time of the progestational peak) [92].

Consequently, none of the vaccines usually recommended in the fir

Consequently, none of the vaccines usually recommended in the first years of life can be reasonably administered during intensive chemotherapy because they will be partly or totally ineffective and, in the case of live vaccines, possibly dangerous. Protection against vaccine-preventable diseases in this period can only be assured by continuous and careful clinical evaluations and, whenever possible, the prompt treatment of any disease that may occur. However, the situation is very different in the case of cancer patients who have stopped receiving chemotherapy for 3–6 months, because they can be considered not significantly different from

healthy children in immunological terms [1], [16], [17], [25] and [26]. Consequently, after this period, the subjects who have never received any vaccine can be vaccinated according to the schedule usually used for normal children of the same age. In order STI571 cell line to protect them selleckchem as soon as possible without risks, inactivated or recombinant vaccines can

be administered 3 months after the completion of chemotherapy, whereas live attenuated vaccines (i.e., MMR and varicella vaccines) should not be given for another 3 months. Moreover, at least one dose of Hib and pneumococcal vaccines should be administered regardless of age even though they are not recommended for normal children aged more than 5 years. When epidemiological reasons suggest the need, inactivated or recombinant vaccines can even be administered during the last part of maintenance therapy. However, it is important to remember that

protection against specific infectious agents will not be complete in all such subjects because of their reduced immune function, and so they still require careful clinical monitoring. In any case, potentially second dangerous live vaccines cannot be recommended during this period unless immune recovery has been demonstrated. It is more difficult to define the best solution in the case of children who have started or completed vaccination schedules before the diagnosis of cancer. Theoretically, the best way of deciding whether or not to administer new doses of the different vaccines is to test residual immunity, and then choose whether to administer all of the scheduled doses of a certain vaccine, only a booster, or nothing at all. However, it is not always possible to determine the antibody titre for each vaccine antigen and, in any case, the correlates of protection of some are not clear. Furthermore, low antibody levels do not always indicate a lack of protection [6], [10], [11], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23] and [24]. One possible solution for children who completed the vaccination schedule before the diagnosis of cancer is to administer a booster dose of all of the vaccines, including Hib and pneumococcal vaccines.

Whether a productive life-cycle is or is not completed depends on

Whether a productive life-cycle is or is not completed depends on the nature of the epithelial site where infection occurs, as well as on the presence of external factors such as hormones [58] and cytokines [59]. Experimental models suggest that infection requires access of virus particles (composed of viral DNA and two capsid proteins, CH5424802 L1 and L2, which form icosahedral capsid [60] and [61]) to the basal lamina, and the interaction with heparin sulphate proteoglycans

[62], [63] and [64] and possibly also laminin [65]. Structural changes in the virion capsid, which includes furin cleavage of L2, facilitate transfer to a secondary receptor on the basal keratinocyte, which is necessary for virus internalization and subsequent transfer of the viral genome to the nucleus [22], [66], [67], [68] and [69]. Although the Alpha 6 Integrin and growth factor receptors have (amongst others) been implicated Natural Product Library research buy in this process [70], [71], [72], [73], [74] and [75],

the precise nature of the entry receptor remains somewhat controversial [67], [75], [76], [77] and [78]. Once internalised, virions undergo endosomal transport, uncoating, and cellular sorting. The L2 protein-DNA complex ensures the correct nuclear entry of the viral genomes, while the L1 protein is retained in the endosome and ultimately subjected to lysosomal degradation [79] and [80]. In many cases, infection is thought to require epithelial wounding or micro-wounding to allow access of the virus to the basal lamina [67], and a role for the wound first healing response in simulating the expansion of the infected cells has been suggested [3], [67], [81] and [82]. Indeed, active cell division, as would occur during wound healing, is thought to be necessary for entry of the virus

genome into the nucleus, and it has been proposed that lesion formation requires the initial infection of a mitotically active cell [83]. Given the diversity of HPV types and HPV-associated diseases, we should perhaps be cautious when making such broad generalisations regarding the route of infection, as multiple entry pathways have been invoked depending on the virus type under study [80], [84], [85], [86] and [87]. The particular susceptibility of the transformation zone to cancer progression may also be linked to the increased accessibility and proliferation of the basal cell layers at this metaplastic epithelial site, particularly around the time of puberty and the onset of sexual activity [88].

The delay in urethroplasty was due to nonmedical, administrative,

The delay in urethroplasty was due to nonmedical, administrative, and personal factors. Five months later, evaluation of urinary obstructive symptoms revealed a 0.5 × 0.5 cm papillary urethral lesion. Resection of this lesion necessitated AUY-922 datasheet simultaneous placement of another buccal mucosal graft. The surgical pathology from this resection revealed only focal condylomatous changes, underlying fibrosis,

and chronic inflammation. Thereafter, the patient was evaluated for elective phalloplasty using a radial forearm flap, but he has failed to complete his preoperative preparation and has been lost to follow up. Carcinoma of the penis is rare in developed countries. The highest incidence is reported in Asia (China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Burma, and India), Africa (Uganda), and Latin America (Mexico). The average age at presentation is late 50s-60s. The etiology is typically multifactorial

and includes poor hygiene, pre-existing condyloma acuminatum, squamous intraepithelial lesions with warty features, and human papillomavirus infection. Approximately 40% of penile cancers have been shown to be attributable to human papillomavirus types 16 and 18. Type 16 has preferentially been associated with a small subset of penile cancers, including basaloid, mixed warty-basaloid, and pure warty squamous carcinomas.1 Most penile neoplasms are squamous cell carcinomas, of which there are multiple variants (Table 1). They usually demonstrate 1 of 3 growth patterns: superficial spreading with minimal stromal invasion, vertical growth with deep invasion, or exophytic growth. Warty carcinomas comprise 5%-10% of all penile carcinomas.2 The diagnosis Alisertib of warty carcinoma is confirmed by histology, which is essential before definitive treatment. Urethroscopy

until may also be considered. MRI of the penis to identify invasion into the corpora cavernosa or spongiosum is helpful when the depth and extent of tumor remain unclear on physical examination. Abdominal and pelvic CT or MRI may be useful to exclude metastatic disease. Partial penectomy with a 2-cm proximal resection margin was traditionally recommended for adequate local control of T1-T2 tumors and remains the gold standard. However, penile length sparing by decreasing the margin of resection is now acceptable in select cases. Alternative penile-sparing techniques include Mohs micrographic surgery, laser ablation, and radiation therapy (RT). Mohs surgery does not offer much benefit over surgical excision with intraoperative frozen section because of high risk of recurrence,5 whereas laser ablation offers comparable extirpative results with additional functional benefits. Using the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser in conjunction with tumor base biopsies to ensure negative margins, Frimberger3 reported a mere 7% recurrence rate at 47 months for 29 patients. Laser ablation has also been associated with a 75% rate of resumption of sexual activity and a 78% rate of patient satisfaction.

Twelve states are above 90% coverage for measles, and Himachal Pr

Twelve states are above 90% coverage for measles, and Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra are above 95% coverage. Our interventions decrease the coverage disparity between wealth quintiles, rural and urban populations,

and states. Intervention two reduces the urban-to-rural vaccine coverage ratio for all three vaccines to 1.03 (Fig. 1, row 1), though a total of 9 states do not achieve 90% coverage for all vaccines, and measles coverage remains below 80% in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Cisplatin cost Pradesh (Fig. 2). Intervention three equates urban and rural coverage (i.e., the urban-to-rural vaccine coverage ratio is approximately 1) and makes coverage in each state at or above 90% for all three vaccines. In the baseline scenario, India at large has 88.7 (95% uncertainty range [UR], 85.1–92.4) rotavirus deaths per 100,000 under-fives; the rate is more than 60% higher in rural areas than in urban areas Vorinostat in vivo (96.6 versus 59.8). Intervention one averts 34.7 (95% UR, 31.7–37.7) deaths and 995 (95% UR, 910–1081) DALYs per 100,000

under-fives per year, roughly 44,500 deaths and 1.28 million DALYs throughout the country. The number of deaths averted per 100,000 under-fives is 25.2 (95% UR, 19.9–30.5) in urban populations and 37.3 (95% UR, 33.8–40.8) in rural populations (Fig. 1, row 2). Intervention two averts another 22.1 deaths (95% UR, 18.6–25.7) per 100,000 under-fives and 630 (95% UR, 522–737) DALYs per 100,000 for all of the related diseases. Intervention three averts slightly more deaths and DALYs than intervention two. Typically, the reduced burden is highest for the poor and in rural areas (Fig. 1, row 2); this trend is more pronounced in intervention three than in intervention two. Fig. 3 (total deaths averted from

the baseline across all under-fives) and ADAMTS5 the first row of Fig. 4 (DALYs averted across all under-fives in one year) map the disease burden alleviated in all interventions. In all states with sufficient data, introducing the rotavirus vaccine (intervention one) averts more than 15 rotavirus deaths and 450 DALYs per 100,000 under-fives, though the standard deviations are high. The intervention averts more than 45 deaths per 100,000 in Karnataka, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Jammu and Kashmir and Bihar and more than 1500 DALYs per 100,000 in Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Intervention one costs almost $93 million per year for all of India. The total intervention costs are mapped in Fig. 4, row 2. In intervention one, the cost per 100,000 under-fives ranges from $26,127 (95% UR, $16,996–$35,257) in Arunachal Pradesh to $212,878 (95% UR, $185,763–$239,994) in Delhi; the cost per 100,000 under-fives in Uttar Pradesh is low relative to other states (approximately 48,500), but the state has the highest overall costs (approximately $14.

gingivalis (103 CFU) into the gums of ICR mice everyday for 3 day

gingivalis (103 CFU) into the gums of ICR mice everyday for 3 days induced greater gum swelling than injection of individual bacterium (data not shown), suggesting that bacterial co-aggregation exacerbates gum inflammation. To examine if FomA contributes to the exacerbation of gum inflammation, F. nucleatum (4 × 108 CFU) was neutralized with either anti-FomA or anti-GFP serum [2.5% (v/v)] prior to mixing with P. gingivalis (103 CFU). To induce gum inflammation, this bacterial mixture was injected into the gums of the lower incisors of naïve ICR mice everyday for 3 days. this website Three days after injection, the severity of gum swelling was recorded for 4

days. Injection of P. gingivalis with anti-GFP serum-neutralized F. nucleatum induced a swollen gum with the volume ranging Selleck PFI-2 from 2.95 to 7.36 mm3. The greatest degree of swelling (7.36 ± 0.12 mm3) was observed on the day 3 after recording ( Fig. 4A and B). The gum swelling was significantly suppressed when the gum was injected with P. gingivalis along with anti-FomA serum-neutralized F. nucleatum. These results reveal the essential role of FomA in bacterial co-aggregation-induced gum inflammation and further supported FomA as a potential therapeutic

target for treatment of bacterial co-aggregation-associated diseases. To evaluate if FomA can be a valuable target for the development of vaccines against periodontal infection, mice were immunized with UV-inactivated-E. coli BL21(DE3) FomA or GFP for 9 weeks. To induce inflammation, the gums of lower incisors in the immunized mice were challenged with live F. nucleatum (4 × 108 CFU) alone, P. gingivalis (103 CFU) alone, and F. nucleatum plus P. gingivalis (4 × 108/103 CFU) everyday for 3 days. The severity of bacteria-induced gum swellings was measured daily for 4

days after 3-day challenge. Vaccination with E. coli BL21(DE3) FomA or GFP did not make a significant difference in of the amount of gum swelling induced by the injection of F. nucleatum alone or P. gingivalis alone ( Fig. 5A). However, compared to the mice immunized with E. coli BL21(DE3) GFP, the amount of Electron transport chain gum swelling induced by co-injection of F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis was considerably attenuated in the mice immunized with E. coli BL21(DE3) FomA. Histological examination by H&E staining illustrated the gum inflammation with thickened gum epithelium and gramulomatsis. In addition, there was greater inflammation caused by bacterial co-injection in the GFP-immunized mice than in the FomA-immunized mice ( Fig. 5B). Previous studies have shown that the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of periodontal infection [30]. To determine whether immunization with FomA alters the level of bacterial co-injection-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines, MIP-2 cytokine in swollen gums was quantified by ELISA. On day 2 following a 3-day challenge with both F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis, a significant elevation in the level of MIP-2 (15,528.88 ± 68.

, changes occur rapidly The biochemicals measured in ginkgo leaf

, changes occur rapidly. The biochemicals measured in ginkgo leaf extracts, in selleck kinase inhibitor the present study, are on the higher side as compared to the earlier reports from other countries.13 and 14 The 5 locations in the present study, falling between 1742 and 2260 m altitude representing temperate climatic conditions,

are likely to be associated with the higher contents of phytochemicals and antioxidants. Findings on production of polyphenols and antioxidants, in respect to environmental stress, have been linked to the defense mechanism.15 Total phenolic content in ginkgo leaf extracts varied significantly with respect to season and organic solvent, being maximum in autumn (Fig. 2A). Phenolic content was exceptionally higher in rainy and spring season in EA and n-B. Total flavonoid content

was higher in spring in 3 solvents, AW, WE and n-B, during rainy season in ME and during autumn in EA (Fig. 2A). click here Antioxidant activity performed by three assays showed significant variation with respect to the seasons, maximum being in ABTS and DPPH in autumn (Fig. 2B). In case of FRAP, higher activity was recorded during spring followed by autumn (Fig. 2B). Importance of seasonal variation in accumulation of total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidants has been recognized. Although a clear and regular trend due to seasonal variation was not observed in the present study, the total phenolic content was relatively higher in autumn. Kobus et al13 reported higher level of polyphenols in October as compared to August. Besides, higher accumulation of phenolic and flavonoids during winter is likely to be attributed to the stress conditions such as temperature and plant growth stage. In general, the secondary metabolites remain at low level in ginkgo during spring and summer which are the initial stages for the growth of shoots and leaves. Afterward, towards autumn and winter, as the growth and metabolism become slower, the phytochemicals tend to accumulate in higher

amounts. The optimization experiments conducted for preference of solvent revealed that AW was the best solvent for extracting phenolic content in all the three seasons; followed by ME > WE > n-B > EA. Similarly, total those flavonoid content was recorded highest in AW during rainy and autumn followed by ME during spring (Fig. 3A). Different solvent systems also influenced the extraction of antioxidant activity in different seasons. Antioxidant activity measured by ABTS assay was highest in ME in rainy and autumn and in WE in spring. In DPPH assay, the activity was recorded highest in WE in all the seasons. Also, the reducing power assay showed higher antioxidant activity in AW during all the seasons (Fig. 3B). Factorial analysis exhibited that the solvents and seasons individually and their interaction significantly (p < 0.001) influenced the accumulation of phytochemicals and antioxidant activity ( Table 1).

The Vaccine Formulation Laboratory is hosted by the UNIL Departme

The Vaccine Formulation Laboratory is hosted by the UNIL Department of Biochemistry, a WHO collaborating centre on immunology, and brings together adjuvant and formulation experts. The Vaccine Formulation Laboratory’s mandate is to act as a platform for the transfer of adjuvant technology (with a focus on mature technologies such

as aluminium salts and oil-in-water emulsions), to provide access to adjuvant systems including generic formulations, commercially available adjuvants and proprietary adjuvants provided under material transfer agreements, and to support adjuvant users through training and custom vaccine formulation services. In addition, the laboratory is involved in the harmonization of methods to evaluate adjuvants. The primary recipients VRT752271 manufacturer of these services are public sector institutions, small biotechnology companies and DCVMs. In June 2010, the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (US HHS BARDA) announced a funding opportunity entitled “Development and Sustainable Manufacturing of Adjuvanted Pandemic Influenza Vaccines in Developing Countries”. This was part of a set of grants aimed at increasing access to effective vaccines in developing countries at the onset of a potential pandemic. Recent

forecasts, as well as experience from the 2009 (H1N1) pandemic, indicate that current influenza Selleck Talazoparib vaccine production capacity remains insufficient to allow the global surge capacity needed within the timeframe of an emergency response [1] and [2]. In October 2010, US HHS BARDA selected the Vaccine Formulation

Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase Laboratory to transfer technology for the production and characterization of an oil-in-water emulsion for adjuvantation of pandemic influenza vaccines in Indonesia [3]. The choice of oil-in-water emulsions for pandemic influenza vaccine adjuvantation was based on several factors. Firstly, the licensed oil-in-water adjuvants AS03 (GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)) and MF59 (Novartis), as well as AF03 (Sanofi Pasteur) have demonstrated remarkable antigen-sparing capacity (i.e. a reduction in the amount of antigen required per vaccine dose) for pandemic influenza vaccines. For H5N1 influenza vaccines based on split or subunit antigens, two doses of 90 μg (haemagglutinin (HA) content) are normally required to induce an immune response that meets registration criteria. Although adjuvantation with aluminium salts allows moderate antigen-sparing, the formulation of pandemic influenza vaccines with oil-in-water emulsions can achieve immunity with as low as 3.5–7.5 μg per vaccine dose [4] and [5]. Therefore, the antigen-sparing properties of oil-in-water adjuvants permit significant enhancement of existing production capacity in the event of a pandemic.